Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Dear Men

I have this thing about Men and their shoes
Remember the days when your out and about with your girlfriends and Gayfriends and you see this guy who is Extremly super duper Hot, Erotic Exotic looking? ....and you start checking him out on how he wears his clothes to see if he even has the slightest idea of what clothes are suppose to do and how it actually fits him?
and when you look down at his shoes you end up going EeeKkk!!!!
dumdumdum Your whole image of him just dwindles down!! FAIL!
well, that happens to me all the time!! Call me Cray Cray, but i would never ever date a Man with bad shoes!!!
Its like, picking out the wrong shoes is as bad as picking ur nose out in Public.

What's not to love about highcut sneakers
Don't you think ladies that it would be awesome to have a guy this fashionable to be around with?

Sebago really makes amaze Docksides

and i know most men wont be able to pull this very funky loafer's, but if i do see a guy in one i'd Die!! <3

The cherry on top, Johannes Huebl can never go wrong!

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